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Useful tips for Small Business

General update by IBBZ Accounting on latest tax news, business growth and technology tips.

How to make your small business profitable with advertising?

How to make your small business profitable with advertising?

Why Advertise?

The success of many small businesses depend on how you wish to grow the profits by using appropriate advertising. Advertising builds reputation of your company in the market and encourage customers to try your products or services, increasing sales and generating more profit. However, before you advertise it is important to understand what’s your target customers, whether male or female, their age group, how many in number you want to target, where to target at local, regional or national level in order to reach many customers.

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The Court of Appeal reconfirm Permanent Place of Abode is very crucial in determining New Zealand Tax Residency.

The Court of Appeal reconfirm Permanent Place of Abode is very crucial in determining New Zealand Tax Residency.

In a tax case Van Uden v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2018] NZCA 487 the decision was delivered on 08th November 2018. High court decision was upheld in the favor of IRD explaining New Zealand Tax Residency and Permanent Place of Abode Test.

The decision confirms the interpretation of permanent place of abode as set out in Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Diamond [2015] NZCA 613. Permanent place of abode in New Zealand can be seen as “a home in New Zealand”

This case provides very good explanation on New Zealand Tax Residency and Permanent Place of Abode Test.

The permanent Place of Abode test overrides 183 days test for New Zealand Tax Residency.

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Recruitment Management

Recruitment Management

Recruitment Management, a vital business strategy that your company needs to develop

Recruitment is a continuous process of creating, developing and nurturing the relationship with potential talent. It is useful especially when you are hiring skilled and talent employees in the company. These prospective talents can be attracted from your competitors or developed within the company if they see a consistent opportunity to grow professionally and personally. At the same time, hiring for executive level can take unlimited time from few weeks to few years because the more competitive the talent is in the market, rarely they will be available.

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Communication in Business

Communication in Business

Why is business communication important?

Communication is the essence of business. There is a constant flow of information connecting people at different hierarchy within a company and customers. This communication can be written, oral or through gestures. On one side, a well-managed communication can lead to success of a company, a poor communication can be a disaster on the other.

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GST: zero-rating of services related to land

GST:  zero-rating of services related to land

 GST:  zero-rating of services related to land


As amended, section 11A(1)(k) land related services provided to non-residents outside New Zealand at the time the services are performed are eligible for zero-rating, if they are:
• not directly in connection with land in New Zealand or
• not in connection with land in New Zealand and intend to enable or assist a change in physical condition, ownership or other legal status of that land or
• directly in connection to land outside New Zealand

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How to build successful working relationships at workplace?

How to build successful working relationships at workplace?

How to build successful working relationships at workplace?

Successful working relationships are required to have happy workplace. These relationships could be with business partners, clients, suppliers and employees.

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Comprehensive Capital Gains Tax is being introduced in New Zealand

Comprehensive Capital Gains Tax is being introduced in New Zealand

On 01 Feb 2019 Tax working group headed by sir Michal Cullen has recommended the Government to introduce capital gain tax. The formal report is due to be released to the public on 21 Feb 2019. The government may consider the introduction from 01 April 2021

It is expected the scheme will be broad based with very little and no exemptions, excluding family home.

Sir Michael Cullen is the same person who was behind the introduction of GST in New Zealand. The GST scheme is a broad based with very little exemptions, almost everything in New Zealand attract GST. It makes New Zealand GST unique in the world. New Zealand is the only country in the world who has broad based consumption tax with no exemptions not even on essential items. GST collects significant revenue for the government.

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Why thinking is important in the success of a company growth?

Why thinking is important in the success of a company growth?

Why thinking is important in success of a company growth?


Overthinking can be dangerous. However, thinking should be in a manner of critically analysing the subject. It should have the ability to reason and have logical judgements. A critical thinker can easily differentiate between rational thoughts based on careful consideration and emotional thoughts based on personal bias. Critical thinker is an active leaner rather than a passive recipient of information and analyse information objectively before jumping to the conclusion.

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Why understanding accounting is critical for HR?

Why understanding accounting is critical for HR?

Why understanding accounting is critical for HR?

Accounting and Human Resource are both crucial areas for a company. Being a Human Resource Manager requires to have number of skills like ability to connect with people at different levels, perform thorough assessment on employee’s skills, character and of course HR planning to meet company’s goals. So, it is important for HR professionals to possess business acumen because it helps to understand the drivers of revenue and cost of their company. Areas of accounting like financial reporting, budgeting and cost information help to make better planning and controlling decisions.

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What are the tax rules for rental income earned by CFC?

What are the tax rules for rental income earned by CFC?

New Zealand Tax Rules for Controlled Foreign Corporation CFC Income


A New Zealand tax resident may have a controlled foreign corporation, which is involved in business of rental. Different tax rules apply for such corporations.

The CFC rules were reformed in around 2009 to make New Zealand businesses compete globally and provide certain exemptions to them. If CFC is in a business of rental this can add some complexities in calculating the exemptions.

General rule of thumb is rental income is attributable income. However, certain exemptions are provided in the legislation.

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