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Ring Fencing Rental losses: another nail in the coffin of residential rental investment.

Ring Fencing Rental losses: another nail in the coffin of residential rental investment.

Why ring fencing rental losses are being introduced


Auckland residential market has been hot topic for several years. It has been going in only one direction upwards. The Government has been trying to make changes in tax policies since 2010. Firstly, they abolished LAQC, and depreciation on building, then introduced bright line test. Currently the bright line test has been extended to 5 years from April 2018 onwards, and Ring fencing of rental losses are being introduced from April 2019.

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How much money do I need for retirement?

How much money do I need for retirement?

Each person has a different lifestyle. To maintain a good lifestyle lot of financial planners, go with $100k a year for a couple, means $50k for one person. However, this has been a very traditional approach this approach is suited for industrial age era not for modern time (information age)

Traditional approach is you work till 65, keep making small savings in your retirement funds. By the time you retire you should have about $500k in your investments. These investments will give you a yield of about 5%, so you will get about $25k a year. You will also be eligible for Super, may be one investment property so roughly you will get about $50k a year.

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