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Useful tips for Small Business

General update by IBBZ Accounting on latest tax news, business growth and technology tips.

IBBZ Accounting Business and Tax Updates August 2022

Business and Tax Updates August 2022: IBBZ Accounting


The weather is getting warmer, and spring is not too far. In business updates: RBNZ lifted the OCR and more hikes are coming along, the use of 2 factor authentication is suggested, and having wellbeing policy at workplace is recommended. In tax updates: supply of portable units for residential use were held as taxable supplies for GST purposes. The IRD has published guidelines for cash basis of financial arrangement rules, Bright line guide, and depreciation on building.

We are working to ensure 2022 tax returns are filed on time.

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IBBZ Accounting Business and Tax Updates July 2022

Business and Tax Updates July 2022: IBBZ Accounting



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New bright-line test

New bright-line test

From 1 October 2015, the Parliament introduced some changes to the property rules called as Bright-line test. The purpose of the test is to reduce the number of foreign speculators on NZ property and thus maintain positive housing prices of big cities in New Zealand. This rule only applies to residential properties bought on or after 1 October 2015. The idea behind the test is that taxpayer has to pay tax on the gain when you selling your property (with some exceptions). By taxing on the gain, it somewhat discourages speculators for housings as the profit is not as good as before.


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