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Useful tips for Small Business

General update by IBBZ Accounting on latest tax news, business growth and technology tips.

How IBBZ is different from other accountants

IBBZ Accounting is very different from your traditional accountant. We are creative and really go out of the way to ensure our customer receive the best advice and great satisfaction. We are different in many ways below is just one example from a property investor point of view.

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Are you a money rich but time poor business?

In a fast paced environment of this cutting edge business world, do you find yourself trapped into multiple things? Is your business doing financially better but you have a no time for leisure activities, if your answer is yes then you are suffering from Money Rich but Time Poor Syndrome.

Business owners, especially small business owners do well with making money but at a cost of devoting their personal leisure time into the business. They are actually ‘Money-rich, time-poor’. If you are a business owner, ask yourself:

1. Do you constantly feel rushed?
2. Do you take few breaks or holidays?
3. Do you feel stressed all the time?
4. Do you feel that your days fly so quickly

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