By Saurav Wadhwa on Monday, 29 September 2014
Category: Business growth

Leadership in Small Business - How to Interact with Subordinates

As a leader in a small business operation, your employees rely heavily on you for guidance and they also have a large stake in the success of your business. Nearly every employee-related performance depends on effective leadership.  Ineffective leadership can disrupt the employer-employee relationship, making it harder to achieve business goals. Therefore, it is vital to have good leadership skills.


There are many different types of leadership styles. Managers have various ways to lead, and choose the one which suits them most. Here are some common leadership tips which suit most of the cases. 


Provide hopefulness to subordinates

Employees who are offered opportunities to learn new skills and develop their capabilities typically have better job performance because they realise realistic possibilities for job challenges and even promotion. Even if an employee’s job is of a routine and repetitive nature. A good leader can encourage the employee to improve the way in which they complete the work.


Value subordinates

Leaders should recognise their subordinates’ skills and talents, and use these strengths to build high-performing individuals and teams. An article about The Saratoga Institute's study, The Seven Hidden Reasons Employees Leave indicates that three out of seven reasons employees resign is related to the quality of leadership and the level of trust they have in their leaders. Leaders who value and appreciate their employees can experience higher retention rates and develop a fully engaged workforce that exceeds the company’s performance expectations.





A charismatic leader is not selfish with their time or their talent. They realise giving is what attracts and influences others.  Leaders support their team by providing the type of guidance, direction and management that can result in their subordinates’ higher performance levels. Subordinates who emulate their leader’s behaviour build strong, cohesive teams.


Lead by example

If you expect people to work hard for you, set the example by working hard yourself. Do not ask your subordinates to do things which you would not or could not do yourself. Setting a good example is more effective than just instruction.


Know your business

Power comes from many sources, one of them is expertise. The original leader is the one who knows how-to-do. Understand every aspect of your business and become the expert in your industry. You will gain respect of your employees. It is especially important in small business, because sometimes both you and your employees are doing similar jobs. 

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